Reading books is the perfect escape from reality. As mentioned in the book, you get to create characters and places in your mind just the way you want things to be. You can see the story from any angle you like. Reading books sets you free. Every second person is a good reader these days.
To make your reading hours more fun, we have created a list of 27 lists you just read in your lifetime.
1.The Goldfinch, Donna Tart
It is an indulging book with unexpected twists and turns. You might even find yourself on a cliffhanger in certain situations, but later on, you will find a reasonable explanation. It is a well-versed book with beautifully described characters that will leave you in awe. Go for it without a second thought.
2.Little Women, Louisa May Alcott
There are so many movie adaptions for the book. However, nothing beats the beauty of the book. It will make you cry, laugh, and feel sorry for the things happening with “Little Women.” Despite all the struggles, the “Little Women” make their way. It is a timeless storyline to be discovered by generations to come.
3.A Room of One’s Own, Virginia Woolf
The book is about Woolf’s thoughts and words; she writes them out loud here. It is not a storybook but rather has a feminine discourse. It talks about men’s and women’s problems and how women are treated as inferior to men. It puts questions and shows how women have to work harder to create “a room of one’s own.”
4.To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee
The book has won a Pulitzer Prize. The book tells a story of a girl living with her father and brother. Just like a coin has two sides. Similarly, the books illustrate how good and bad can breathe in the same individual. It has amazing themes that you would instantly fall in love with them.
5.Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain
A young boy who is an enslaved person in the 19th century has to find their way back home. The book talks about the adventures he has on the journey. It is said to be The Great American Novel. It also portrays a beautiful relationship between a white boy and a black adult man. It leaves a mark on you. Every word written is worth reading.
6.The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Arthur Conan Doyle
A Scandal in Bohemia is the first short story to star Sherlock Holmes. The book talks about many cases and situations in Sherlock’s life that made him the best detective. It is well fascinating and engaging.
7.The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho
The Alchemist is a good story that teaches us to believe in good and never lose hope. Santiago, the protagonist of the story, is on a journey to treasure that he has repeatedly dreamed about in his sleep.
8.Animal Fram, George Orwell
The story is a reflection of the Russian Revolution. When a boar dies on Manor Fram, the two pigs named Snowball and Napolean create a revolution demanding fair life and justice. They rebel against their owner and demand a place where animals can live freely.
9.Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Lewis Caroll
The protagonist Alice is a seven-year-old girl who sees a white rabbit with a pocket running somewhere. She discovers a place that is not what it appears to be. She went through the tunnel and came to Wonderland. It is the children’s most-loved literature of all time.
10.Anna Karenina, Leo Tolstoy
The book contains more than 800 pages. It narrates the stories of Anna Karenina and Konstantin Levin. So if you are in for a long read, it is the right choice. The story is centered in the 19th century in Russia, elaborating on the political, theological, and philosophical changes.
11.Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery
The story has an adaption for a Netflix series. It is one of those books that will make you fall in love with the characters. It is a tale about a girl named Anne, who the Cuthbert family accidentally adopts. It shows how she wins over everyone’s heart on Price Edward Island. She seeks warmth among the new people she never received as a child.
12.Beloved, Toni Morrison
The book has bagged the Pulitzer Prize and is in the final round for the 1987 National Book Award. It tells the story of Sethe, a formerly enslaved person who may or may not be haunted by the ghost of the baby she killed.
13.Crime and Punishment, by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
The book is classic Russian literature, which makes its language time taking to intercept. The story takes us back to 1866 when the protagonist kills an elderly for her money. One of the biggest themes it follows is alienation. The language can be challenging, but it remains one of the greatest books of all time.
14.Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl, Anne Frank
The book is a journal of Anne Frank. She wrote when she was 13 years old, and her family was hiding. Her journal talks about the grave consequences of war and how it brings nothing but death and destruction. The book will make you fall in love with the smallest things, like the sun, the moon, and the birds.
15.Emma, Jane Austen
It is a bit to catch and to get familiar with the language used, but it is indeed the most genius work of Jane Austen. The story introduces us to Emma, her friend, and Mr.Knightley. You will fall in love with the characters and the words.
16.The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald
It is a classic literature novel that takes you back in time. It is written with keen devotion and such emotion that you will immediately fall in love. According to the reader’s reviews, the book is “the best writing ever seen.” So go for it without sparing a moment.
17.Gulliver’s Travels, Jonathan Swift
The language of the book is smooth and easygoing. By reading it, you will enter into an imaginary world and be one big giant traveling here and there. It will give a sense of belongingness and that you are not lesser than others.
18.Hamlet, Willian Shakespeare
Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark, sees his father’s ghost, or is he not? Is he going mad? Hamlet is one of the most famous works of William Shakespeare that popularises the line “to be or not to be?” It is a book worth reading.
19.The Handmaid’s Tale, by Margaret Atwood
You have the right to freedom to move, speak, navigate, and travel freely. The rights belong, and no one can take that away from you. But what if, out of nothing, you are no more entitled to any of these rights? Men will now possess women’s belongings, and women will be reduced to bearing children. The book takes us to such a world.
20.Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling
The Harry Potter novel series has a huge fanbase. The fanbase has given itself a name, Potterheads. It is a sensational worldwide phenomenon that every child, man, and woman should read about and know the story of Harry and Hermione.
21.The Hobbit, by J.R.R. Tolkien
It begins with “In a hole in the ground lived a hobbit.” It is one of the best fiction books that will take you on great adventures. The main character of the story Bilbo Baggins sits down to have his dinner, but something else awaits him.
22.Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte
The story is about a simple girl who is coming of age, Jane. It follows her journey through life as she faces numerous struggles and challenges. Jane is looking for love that makes her feel that she belongs somewhere.
23.Life of Pi, Yann Martel
The story is very layered; Pi Patel is stuck with a tiger on a small lifeboat when his ship to North America sinks. It is a fiction with the protagonist of the story belonging to India. The storyline is extremely engaging.
24.Moth Smoke, Mohsin Hamid
The story is set in Pakistan, Lahore. It follows the life of Daru Shehzad, who eventually loses his job, falls in love with his best friend Ozi’s wife, Mumtaaz, and gets addicted to drugs. Ultimately he gets involved with the bad company of Muraad Badshah. It reflects on the greed of Lahore’s rich crowd and their injustice to the poorer crowd.
25.Almond, Sohn Wun-pyung
The story of a little boy born with the ability to feel nothing, alexithymia. The book follows his journey toward himself and two friends he later bonds with in life.
26.Garments against women, Anne Boyer
The book has proses that mediate the purpose and importance of writing, literature, and art, including the worldly conditions that make it impossible for literature to flourish in its full discourse.
27.The Lathe of Heaven, Ursula K. Le Guin
It is a science fiction novel about a man whose dreams alter reality, the past, and the present. His dreams dictate the making of the future. It is an award-winning novel.
Hurry up and check out the amazing books mentioned in the article.
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