The breakup is a common one among relationships. Even after the breakup, some people want their girlfriend to miss him. This is a common feeling among most of the men around the world. If you love her you will probably want her to miss you. Even sometimes making her miss you will give you a chance to get your relationship back. This does not mean that you again get back into the relationship. You can simply make her miss you. There are many ways for making your girlfriend miss you.
In order to make your girlfriend miss you, you have to do several things. You can do many things for this. Let us see some of the steps to do to make your girlfriend miss you after the breakup. Even there may be chances that these things may fail sometimes.
This is because when she broke up with you, she tried to push you away because she did not want to be influenced by you anymore sometimes. But, if you really want to get your girlfriend back after a breakup, you should definitely try to make her miss you again. This is the only way to get her back because nothing can compare to the feel when she misses you.
1. Try to talk to her in order to change her mind.
This is a common step that most of the men do to make his girlfriend miss him. Even after the breakup some men talk to his girlfriend and this is a chance to make her feel about you. Some men maintain their friendship after the breakup as normal friends while some others not. If both of you are separate for a longtime and try to talk with her after a long time will make her feel about you and she will miss you. This will give you a second chance to get back your relationship. However, this doesn’t works all the time and typically based on the mood of your girlfriend.
2.Write a love letter to your girlfriend
This is one of the best ways to make your girlfriend miss you. You can write a letter about what you feel; you can mention your beautiful memories in that letter and send this letter to your girlfriend. If she read this letter she will feel your love and miss you. Followed by this you can also send beautiful cards, flowers and some other gifts to try win her back. All these things will remind her about you and your relationship and this will make her miss you.
3. Keep in contact with her
Some couples maintain their relationship gently even after the breakup. Try to maintain a mutual relationship with her but make sure that your girlfriend is interested in this. If she is not interested in maintaining any relationship with you then let her. However, if you maintain contact with her there may be chances for getting her back. For example, if you keep in contact with her you may get chances to spend time with her but as a friend and not as a boyfriend. Hence, she will miss you as a boyfriend.
4. Stay away from her for sometime
This is an alternative way to the above method. Some people believe in this method. If you breakup with your girlfriend, then, accept the breakup and just stay away from her. Don’t cross in her life for some time and let her alone. Even this will make her realize your love and make her miss you. Not even make a single call to her. If you stay calm for sometime this will change her mind and she may miss you. When you are not around her, she try to know what are you doing and where you are and finally she starts missing you.
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5. Give her sometime
Another way to do this is to give her some time. Time heals everything. After a breakup, she definitely need some time so leave her alone with some time. She need time to evaluate what went wrong. In that time, she may think about you and feel for you. Probably she will miss you again. This is a better idea to make her miss you.
6.Do not call her
After the breakup, you probably might be missing your girlfriend and would be desperate to call him and hear his voice. This is would be one of the most obvious signs of you missing her. If you show this to your girlfriend she would probably not miss you and try to stay away from you as much as possible. So stop worrying about her and do not call her and wait for your girlfriend t do so.
7.Pass on your sweet memories
Both of you would have definitely had some really good times together in the past and must have been having some proofs of them too. Try to sneak in those memories and bring it to the attention of her. Consider one thing, you do not do this by yourself instead do this with the help of someone else.
8.Groom yourself to more attractive
Make yourself more attractive before. She will get attracted to your look and beauty. This makes her think about you all time and this will make her miss you. If she comes to know or sees that the boy who was hanging out with in the past is even more beautiful now then she will think about her decision and definitely miss you.
If you want your girlfriend to miss you and come back to you after a fight, then you should consider these things mentioned above and try to do these. The only thing you need to know is how to handle things. These things may feel like manipulation but this is not manipulation. These ideas help to get her back. Hence, if you want your girlfriend to miss you and want you again, then you should know how to work these ideas. This will help you get your desired results. Try this and see the results!
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