Blogging is not just about writing. It is an art that people love to expertise. To start a blog, you must have a niche to follow. If you are expertise on a niche, then there is absolutely nothing better than the idea to start a blog with this niche. However, if you are a bit confused what to start with and what not to, here are some ideas you may like. Have a look at the Top 30+ Topic Ideas for Starting a Blog!
1. Self Motivation
If you are willing to start a dedicated blog that will motivate people, it is a great idea to start with.
2. Health & Fitness for Busy People
Choosing a health and fitness blog attracts a lot of enthusiast. You might get a lot of traffic in this.
3. Language Learning Blogs
A lot of people do search for language learning and translating options. Starting a blog on such niche can be beneficial.
4. How to Travel on a Budget
If you are willing to share your knowledge and information on hotels bookings, car rentals of different places, it is a great option.
5. Writing Style
A lot of people do seek for proper ways to write. If you are good at it, you can share tips through blogs which will help the people.
6. Rescued Animals
If you love pets and dogs and willing to share more about them, it is a great idea to go for. There are not man logs on such topics.
7. Personal Development
It can be another idea to start up a motivational blog. Ambition and motivation blogs can really run good.
8. Social Dynamics & Communication Skills
Communication skills can be very important for a person. You can direct your blog to Interview communications, or B2B communication skills.
9. Working in Uncommon Fields of Expertise
There are many uncommon field of expertise which can help people to become entrepreneurs. You can also help them with your blog.
10. Self Defense
If you are a fitness geek and have pursued training in different forms of MMA or Karate, it is a good option.
11. Recipes for couples without children
A cooking tip is searched everywhere on the internet. Making a blog out of it can earn you money always.
12. Male guide to female communication
There are many men who seek for communication skills with women. A blogging topic on such might be very helpful for your needs.
13. Using technology in small business
Technology has promoted many businesses to stand tall. If you wish to share these informations, there many business entrepreneurs looking out for you!
14. Blogging about special kinds of foods
Food blogging is definitely a primary choice you can make. From reviews to cooking recipes, all can be listed.
15. Bullying
Cyber bullying is a big crime, but many people are unaware of it. You might help them out if you have some knowledge.
16. Behavioral disorders in children
Many parents are depressed because of behavior disorders in children. You can share your knowledge while helping them out.
17. Body-weight training
If you are a gym freak, body training, uses of steroids and workout tips can be the perfect way to start your blog.
18 Entrepreneurial educations for young children & adults
Many youngsters are looking to establish their own startups. If you have knowledge on this, you may share a lot of helpful information’s.
19. Disc Golf
Golf is a passionate sport loved by many. But a few of them know the rules. There are a lot of people who are seeking for it.
20. DIY Projects, DIY Business and Selling Homemade Items
This can be very interesting thing to start with. A lot of school children are searching for such project ideas and tips everyday on the internet.
21. How to have a Strong Marriage
Marriage and relationships are the most important things in this world. You can share tips of a successful marriage and share them on the blog.
22. How to be a real and true friend
If friendship is a niche, then this is one of the best ideas that you can have! Obviously, such a blog would be in everyone’s minds.
23. How to Train for a Triathlon
Being a Triathlon is what every athletes look for. You can share your own tips or put information if you are an expert.
24. Careers vs job: following your passion
There are a lot of people who are searching for what to choose their career options. Such a beautiful post will blow everyone’s minds.
25. Getting VMware Certified
This would be a great idea to start with. A lot of people might be searching over the internet for this.
26. Getting Microsoft Certified
This idea is completely dedicated for people who are working on IT field. Such an idea can be impressive.
27. Hamburgers
The different types, the different recipes and the fun thing can always be shared here. It is a great option to choose.
28. Self-sustaining lifestyle
There are many stories of persons who live like this. You can place their stories over here.
29. Mind strengthening
It can be another motivational and inspirational blog. You could help the ones who are depressed.
30. beyond the basics of personal financial management
Financial managements such as loans, credit cards and different things can be engaging. You can share such posts on your blog