Undoubtedly, approaching a girl you like, can be extremely intimidating, especially on Facebook. Fortunately, Facebook being a versatile platform offers you a variety of means to initiate a conversation and build up a bond with people. It allows you to share pictures, and discover more about each other’s lives and interests.
It also makes people much more approachable than in real-time by bridging distances and busy schedules. If you are thinking of talking to someone you like, Facebook can be a great platform for you. However, you will also have to be careful in your ways of approaching the girl and beginning the conversation. Especially because social media is full of spammers and stalkers, and certainly, you would not want to appear like one.
Therefore,here are some tips that can come handy while talking to a girl for the first time on Facebook.
Be mindful about your approach
Your approach towards the conversation says a lot about you, which is you need to be extra careful about your approach. If you are talking to a girl whom you have no prior connections to, begin by sending her a friend request. It is likely that a message by you will end up in the filtered inbox, therefore wait for the friend request to get accepted before beginning the conversation. Desperation can send a poor impression.
In case she is a Facebook friend, but you have never indulged in a conversation, you can begin by commenting on her posts. Once you can see her responding to your comments, you can take the conversations to direct messaging. This will make the discussion appear natural and rule out the possibility of coming out as a spammer or stalker. However, be mindful that the conversation needs to be meaningful and not shallow.
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Mention mutual friends
Once you have made it to the girl’s friend list, you have to be the first person to start the conversation. Since the girl doesn’t know you well, your first message should introduce you to her. You need to assure her that you are not just some spammer. Assuming that the girl must have already roughly gone through your profile, begin with something interesting, which is not already highlighted there. For instance, a funny/weird aspect of your work, a guilty pleasure, and so on.
Beginning by mentioning mutual friends(if any) can be another good start. This will also help her establish a link. Also, it will increase the level of comfort, trustworthiness and security between the two of you. Mention a party or get together that you both went to, or talk about a potential opportunity to meet up.
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Use conversation starters
Conversation starters are basically open-ended questions and are really helpful in getting to know someone better. They are ice breakers that can be simply used by anyone without the need for any customization or changes.
It can be as simple as starting with a greeting. For instance “Hi! What’s up?” The rest of the conversation can be shaped on the basis of what her response is. These starters will provide her with the necessary space and time to get warmed up and also sound casual. You can even start by following up on any of her recent posts. Thus, check her wall if she is up to something interesting which can be talked about — for instance, a vacation, any event, any achievement or as simple as a movie.
No boring messages
Nothing kills a conversation than a boring and dead “Hmmm” or “okay”. Also, avoid sending inappropriate jokes and messages that are making the rounds on social media as they might end up getting ignored and put an end to the conversation.
Therefore, try to keep it exciting and interesting so that you have more chances of getting a reply. Let her do the talking instead of sending multiple texts again and again as it might show you as a desperate. Explore about her passions and interests so that you can have a solid ground to begin the conversation. Entertaining her with contextual and witty jokes about work, and other things can also play the trick here.
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Don’t be creepy
This is a pretty obvious and yet an important tip. As it says, beware of coming out as a creep. Do not comment on all her photos and posts in a row. Do not spam her inbox with dozens of messages in a single go. And most importantly, avoid using stupid pick up lines as these tricks have gone obsolete now and do not present a good impression of a person. Therefore, come up as a gentleman and indulge in meaningful conversations.
Adding to this, be very careful while sending messages and jokes. Never send crude or sexual jokes and comments. They are not at all funny and make you appear as an immature teenager, which you certainly do not wish for.
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Never act desperate
This one is pretty self-explanatory. Do not behave like your life depends on this. Be breezy and casual in your conversations. Also, try not dragging the talks and keep them short. Do not jump on different topics to keep the conversation going, but explore areas one at a time. Consistent flirting might also work against you. Therefore, keep your pace slow. Aim at developing a good comfort level first.
Do not ever unnecessarily ‘poke’ a girl on Facebook. It seems irritating and immature. Do not force her into talking or meeting. This will put a wrong impression of you. Respect her decisions and give her the needed space.
Talk about mutual interests
Do your research before beginning a conversation with her. Have a good look at her profile and find out any shared interests. This has been since olden days, the best way to get a conversation started. Find out what she feels the most passionate about and begin a discussion on that. It will be hard for her to resist such a conversation and will allow her to open up more.
Mutual interests will help establish a deeper connection. You can even later ask her to meet up to attend events that interest both of you. You can simply begin by saying- “Hi! I saw you wearing a FRIENDS T-shirt. I love that show too. Which is your favorite character by the way?”
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